Insights from a Couples Therapist:
5 Lessons to Prevent Divorce
1. Don’t take your partner for granted. Your relationship is like a living thing that needs to be nurtured. Spend time together,
go on dates, talk about your day, and show your love and appreciation for your partner.
Communicate openly and honestly with your partner. Be able to talk about anything, even difficult things
Listen to your partner with empathy and understanding.
Resolve disagreements in a healthy way. Avoid name-calling, blaming, and stonewalling.
Focus on the issue at hand and try to find a solution that works for both of you.
Connect with each other regularly. Spend time together, do activities you both enjoy,
and talk about your hopes and dreams for the future.
Rebuild your relationship if you stop feeling love for your partner. Do the things that you used to do
when you were first falling in love. Go on dates, give each other compliments, and express your gratitude for each other.
Floral Frame
Conducted Experiments
on 150 Bras in 2023,