In search of the role of House speaker, representative Jim Jordan has faced a path full of controversies. Although they have their supporters, the aggressive strategy adopted by some of them has attracted extensive attention and has generated resistance among Republican MPs who are indecent on their bid.

I. Aggressive campaign
Harassment and support calls: Nebraska’s representative Don Bacon took a stand against the aggressive strategy adopted by Jim Jordan’s supporters. He publicly condemned the husband-wife harassment, especially flooded support calls and messages that urged Jordan to support. Such a tremendous effort has increased concerns and negative reactions from many Republicans have been revealed.
Unwanted messages and threats: This isn’t just calls and messages; some MPs have reported unwanted and sometimes threatening messages. In a troubling incident, an anonymous person revealed threats to kill life. This increase in strategy can damage Jordan’s campaign more than the benefit.
Anonymous text message: Representative Don Bacon’s wife, in particular, are receiving numerous anonymous and threatening text messages, in which assistance is being demanded to explain her husband’s support for Jordan. These messages going to the extent of harassment have created bitterness among the Republicans.
II. Effects on uncharged Republican
Oral Abuse: A representative of Arkansas, representative Steve Womack, told that his staff members had to be victimized of oral abuse through the phone calls of enthusiastic Jordan supporters. Maybe these aggressive matches are taking away the attention of people who were never indecent.
Automatic Calls and Dissatisfaction: Florida’s representative carlos jimenez expressed his dissatisfaction on the automatic call that promote Jordan among the voters of his district. This level of infiltration and unwanted campaign attempts could potentially take ideas in the opposite direction. Jimenz also personally contacted Jordan to stop this aggressive strategy.

III. Case for Jim Jordan
Constitutional commitment: Jim Jordan’s campaign emphasizes his commitment to the Constitution, personal freedom and financial responsibility. He is portrayed as a reliable and theoristic leader who fights against government encroachment.
Comparison with Hakim Jeffreys: Jordan’s campaign shows an acute contradiction with his potential rival, Hakim Jeffreys, accusing him of supporting policies like defaming police and Green New Deals, which he argues about that it weakens public security and economic stability.